Building a Timeless Love - Growing Together, One Day at a Time

Building a Timeless Love - Growing Together, One Day at a Time

November 04, 20243 min read

Building a Timeless Love

Growing Together 🌱

One Day at a Time ❤️

leslie lloyd marriage monday blog - the best life coach in usa

As we step into November, it’s the start of a fresh month, a new season, and a beautiful opportunity to take a closer look at our marriages. Today also marks my 28th anniversary—what a reminder that thriving marriages aren’t just built at the altar; they’re made in the moments, routines, and adjustments we make over the years.

This Week’s Insight:

The Marriage We Want Starts With Intention!

Just like the seasons change and bring new routines, our marriages also need attention and adjustment. From daylight savings this Sunday to the upcoming holiday season, these shifts all bring changes that can impact our time, energy, and connection with each other.

As my husband begins his basketball coaching season and our daughter starts girls’ basketball, we’re navigating a new rhythm in our family life. These new routines remind me of the need for intentional effort—not just to get through the busy season but to stay connected, support each other, and make sure we don’t let these precious days slip by.

Imagine starting each new season as an opportunity to recalibrate in marriage: asking ourselves, What do we need to keep our connection strong this month? How can I support my spouse as they take on new responsibilities? How am I filling my own cup, so I can show up fully for them and our family?

Real-Life Reflection: The Marriage you will Cherish at 80 Begins With the Choices You Make Today.

Imagine the adorable elderly couples we've seen—sharing a tender moment embracing each other with warmth and affection in their 80s. This kind of love isn't accidental; it's the result of consistent, mindful effort over time. To reach that point, we must nurture our marriage today, so it thrives into the future.

Every small effort you make today plants a seed for your future together. Every kind word, every moment of support, every adjustment to make time for each other builds the foundation for a love that lasts a lifetime. Imagine rocking side-by-side, decades from now, sharing not only memories but a deep, beautiful bond built on years of choosing each other again and again.

Marriage Connection Challenge: Embracing With Grace the Flow of Change 

This month, take a few minutes to reflect on the changes this season brings. Here are three simple ways to nurture your relationship during this time:

1. Revisit Your Routine – Take stock of how new schedules, like sports seasons or holiday preparations, will impact your time. Ask each other, When can we carve out time to connect this week?

2. Be Your Spouse‘s #1 Cheerleader – As responsibilities ramp up, find small ways to support each other. Show your spouse you notice and appreciate their efforts—even just a quick note or kind word can make a difference.

3. Fill Your Own Cup – Busy times require us to be at our best. Prioritize what helps you recharge so you can bring a full, present self to your relationship. This might mean a few minutes of quiet in the morning or a walk to clear your mind.

Remember, Remember: 

The investments we make in our marriages today create the loving companionship we dream of for tomorrow. Let’s make this season one of togetherness, support, and small adjustments that bring us closer. Moments like these don’t come by accident—they’re cultivated over a lifetime of supporting, adjusting, and choosing each other.

Here’s to a November filled with love, laughter, and connection—so we can look back one day and know we built something truly beautiful.

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